Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Got Stuck In The Traffic

Hey peeps! I guess a weekend after raya haji isnt a good time to drive back to KL is it? We all push off bfore pkul 6 but pkul 10.30 pon xsmpai Kuala Kangsar lg. I noe. The jam is THAT bad. Usually it takes only 1 hour to get there. But nie, 4 jam 1/2 people! lame gile. I was starting to feel car sick. HAHA. Da lah nk terkencing. All the R&R yg we all lalu, sume full. Entrance nk masuk pon da jam. Yesterday was like da MOTHER of all jams. hahaha! Last2 daddy decided to kluar dkat Kuala Kangsar n have dinner there. N decide later if we shud ikot jlan lame or face da jam again. Actually we wud hv turned back awal lg, but dad ade class dat Monday morning. So, no other choice lah.

Here's a picture of what my family n I had to face yestrday. *bloody jam!*

So, when we reached Kuala Kangsar, dad call lah Pak Su since Mak Su org sane. Nk tanye lah kt mane nk mkn mlm2 cmtuh. Pak Su pon ckp lah kt mane ape sume tp xjumpe pon. Pastuh 2 xpe lg, nie tanye Pak Su ade x hotel ke ape sbb sume nk g toilet. Da xthan sgtt nie. Then Pak Su cite lah suh g Safira lah ape sume. Carik punye carik, xde pon. Direction slah ke ape pon xtau lah. Dad pon da like 'Eh Acher*wat everybody calls Pak Su*, hg habaq leqloq, ni nk pi mana ni? Abg da xtahan nk terkencing ni, da lah lapaq. Hg ley sembang besaq plak.' n blablabla. After da ltak phone, abh start drive g mane ntah. Tgk signboard, going towards Istana. haha. Abh nie btol ke nie kn? xkn nk pnjam toilet kt istana kot? hahaha. Tgk2 ade mcm rest house ke ape ntah. Stop2 kete jeh, sume lari crik toilet. hahahah. n later we went for dinner kt tepi sungai. Ade ekspo ape ntah kt tepi tu, bising jeh.

Nie main gate msuk istana kott. *sempat g site seeing lg* hahahah.

After everything da settle sume, dad decided to ikot jlan lame since the highway xclear lg. It was really bumpy n all. But better than driving 5km/h n kjap2 stop. haiyaa. So much better. When we reached Ipoh, highway seemed to b clear da lah. So msuk blek highway. N finally reached KL at 2.30am. Gile lah. Butterworth to KL smpai 8 jam 1/2. Everybody suffered backache pg td. hahah. Stupid jam. Damn to all those ppl yg bwak 80km/h kt highway tuh. hahah. Anywayy, I didnt do anything today. Didnt go out at all. Except g lake bli rojak buah. haha. *sedaaapp*. hee:)n almost lupe. Mom n dad pegi pejabat pelajaran td utk settlekn me n my sister's school for next year. It has been confirmed that i will b going to SMK Putri Titiwangsa next year if i dont get Convent Bukit Nanas. *all girls school. (lousy)yayy.* I'll hv to wait for my results first bru apply laen which i'd rather not know. hahah. Just hoping for da best i guess. Haa. I guess dats it for today. U all pon mesti da mcm 'eishh. Boring gile post nie.' hahaha. But like i always say, u dont like it then dont read it.hehh.

Here's a pic that might humor some of u. *dad n maverick a.k.a. babyy*

kiss kiss gotta go!

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